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Other Projects

These are other projects I've done throughout my time at Illinois State. Click below to jump right to the specific project.

Media Sales

final project

In the Fall of 2022, I took COM 284 - Media Sales that focused on selling advertisements for media companies such as radio and television. We discussed methods of how people sell, why people sell, and what options there are when selling.

This class helped me learn about media selling and what a day to day sales rep would do working in the media industry. It also helped me understand more about the economics and industry side of working in the media. 

The final project was to present a mock sales presentation. I was tasked with selecting a local business from the Bloomington-Normal area, create a commercial and build a sales plan to pitch to a pretend client on behalf of WZND, our school's radio station.

Doing this project, I was able to challenge myself by creating this sales pitch. It helped push me out of my comfort zone by having to present to my class, be asked questions regarding my presentation, and having to demonstrate my creative side by creating a commercial script.  

Magazine Production

Final Project

In the Fall of 2022, I took COM 269: Magazine Production and Design. In this class, I learned skills on how to use and design with Adobe InDesign. This class also discussed the history of magazines and how the magazine industry focuses more on a specific niche. 

For our final project, we had to create our very own magazine. I chose to do a magazine focused on concerts because that is one of my favorite things to do. 

In this project, I had to design some advertisements, design a front page cover, write articles, and create all the necessary publication information for the magazine. This was all done using Adobe InDesign. 


The Maybelline advertisement (page 7), the Spotify advertisement (page 12-13), and the Amazon advertisement (14) are not my designs. We were encouraged to mix existing advertisements with our own creative work.

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